Saved by a Texas-Sized Wedding by Judy Christenberry
Saved by a Texas-Sized Wedding by Judy Christenberry

The family comes in all shapes and flavors. Yet, with support from her mother and siblings, she and her two daughters discovered their own definition of family. Judy learned the importance of family at an early age. At one time or another, there were sheep, Thanksgiving turkeys, ducks and dogs, and there were always chickens.

Saved by a Texas-Sized Wedding by Judy Christenberry

Her father raised a few head of cattle to keep meat on the table. As a child, Judy was surrounded by animals. Judy Russell Christenberry was born in Dallas, Texas, USA, where she raised in a family of four children with a stay-at-home mom who was a terrific cook and an excellent teacher, where family tradition was concerned.

Saved by a Texas-Sized Wedding by Judy Christenberry